Office Glazing
Modern research consistently cites the importance of lighting - particularly natural day lighting, in the work place.
The University of London's Lighting, Well-being and Performance at Work states the following:
Studies of lighting in the workplace have consistently shown that sunlight has positive effects on workers’ subjective well-being; and that employees prefer to work near windows or in workplaces with natural lighting. However, the nature of modern working means that for many workers access to natural lighting is not always possible. 24/7 working, shift-work, office work and different geographical latitudes mean that most employees work in environments where there is a need for artificial lighting for some or all of their work period. This emphasises a need to understand how the use of artificial lighting impacts directly or indirectly on worker well-being and performance. Lighting in the workplace may influence employee performance in several ways. It may affect eye strain and visual comfort. Lighting may also influence cognitive performance and problem solving ability by interfering with hysiological factors like circadian rhythms. Lighting can also impact on mood and interpersonal relationships at work and therefore job satisfaction.

Office Refurbs
Planning on an office refurb? Horizon are here to help.
With our CAD & 3D modelling service we can help plan your new layout and provide visuals to help decide on the dimensions and material selection, saving money and time. Glass partitioning, glass doors, bespoke mirrors, & Glass balustrades are just a selection of what Horizon can offer.